COVID CARING CASH...what is it?
Southwest Partners, in cooperation with a special group of strategic partners announce the COVID CARING CASH program to help stimulate local area businesses during this pandemic and difficult time for communities and economy. So, what exactly is COVID CARING CASH? The sponsors of this program have donated cash as a matching gift to any individual that choses to participate and helping the local business of their choice. The cards are plastic cards like shown below which have a $5.00 value. If you purchase $25 the sponsors have made $10 additional cards available for free as a gift and thank you for helping to encourage and keep our local businesses going.
Any business can accept the cards and then be reimbursed for them by submitting weekly to Southwest Partners for payment on Fridays. “We are super excited about this program” stated Mick Cosgrove of SW Partners. “This started as a what can we do to play our role in making a difference during this time” continued Cosgrove. “We came up with the idea among our board members and liked it because it allows any business that chooses to be participate and it allows the community at large to participate as well as the amazing sponsors who have stepped up to see this work” Cosgrove said.
The cards are sold in $5 increments and one unique part is that they do not offer cash back, so we are asking the community to plan their purchasing accordingly. The reason is that we are trying to add money to the local economy and not take it from the businesses and we felt like $5 is a pretty usable size. If you purchase something for $7 use a card and $2 etc. Southwest Partners so appreciates the communities understanding and this also allows us to insure now more than ever that those favorite local restaurants or salons or stores or repair shops will be there for all of us to continue to enjoy once we are post COV-19.
Cosgrove said that “the greater Richland Area Community is absolutely the most supportive and giving of any community in the State or Country and we are sure that we can work together and be sure we all make it out the other side together as the greater Richland Area Community!” Any business is welcome to participate and if they would like to get a poster stating they accept the cards please call 608-647-8842 x 7202 or 608-604-7022 and we will get you the information and the signage.
You can purchase the cards at drive thru’ s of Richland County Bank, The Peoples Community Bank or WCCU Credit Union
Sponsors joining Southwest Partners for this program include; Richland County Bank, The Peoples Community Bank, Community First Bank, WCCU Credit Union, Capital Wealth Advisory Group, Wallace Cooper & Elliott Insurance, The Shopping News, The Richland Observer, WRCO Radio, Walsh’s Ace Hardware. The Greater Richland Area Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Lights, Many Individuals.
The cards state that they will expire on 09-01-2020 to insure they get used now and in the near future which will be most critical for these small local businesses. Cards will be sold until the matching funds are used up. We started with funds to match $15,000 matching purchases which translates to $52,500 boost for the local economy. That has grown to be now over $70000 of local business generated. Anyone or any entity that would like to join in and help keep this going by joining the sponsors can contact any Southwest Partners Executive Team member or call 608-604-7022 to find out they can add to the fund and increase the available matches. If you are a business and want to accept the Covid Caring Cash contact us for more information and we can get you set up to go, all businesses are welcome. COVID CARING CASH because we Care!