Pine River Trails Project
Our Projects.
We are about promoting the Silent Sports Opportunities that exist in our region. While this project begins in Richland Center our plans are to expand beyond the city limits and work to enhance the regions natural beauty and offerings. For more information check the Richland Community Center.

Canoe and Kyaking the Pine
The Pine River is one of Richland Counties best kept secrets. From it's winding currents to breathtaking outcroppings. If you have not expeirence the Pine River in this way do so soon. The "Friends of the Pine" have been working to ensure safe passability for all who chose to make the memorable trek down the Pine. Compared to other area rivers, the Pine River gets overwhelming reviews of popular support.
Check out Pine River Paddle and Tube for more infomration about renting.

Biking Richland County
Biking Richland County is fun, exciting and breathtaking. Our project will create safer road routes and bike trails throughout this beautiful county. We have both new Mountain Biking Trails and we will be paving and expanding on our exsiting trail.

Snowshoe and Cross Country Ski
Richland County has long been known for its great challenges and snow opportunites.
Treking through a freshly fallen Blanket of snow provides great excercise and awesome unforgetable scenery. Winter gives us new adventures- go for it!

Safeways To School
Southwest Partners is applying for a transportation grant that will allow us to help build safe walking and biking trails to school and it needs your support. This safeways to school grant would help create a safe walking trail to the Richland Middle School, High School, Doudna Elementry, and even Eagle a provocial school.