Pine River Trails Project
UPDATED 6 / 9 / 16
PHASE 2- Safe Routes to School
***We received word a few months ago that we did not receive the grant for either of these projects. As an organization we believe that it is our duty to ensure that the community is able to still develop these safe routes for our children and are now currently working on alternatives to accomplish this. We as Southwest Partners REFUSE TO FAIL!***
Richland Center High School: Construct a paved walkway from the Richland Center High School to the
existing sidewalk parallel to the North side of U.S. Highway 14. This could be done multiple different
ways but the desire would be to connect The UW Campus, Symons Recreation Center and the Richland
Center High School back to the existing sidewalk. If there would be struggles getting access to property
along this route an alternate would be to create a walk way along Hive Drive from U.S 14 to the High
Improve crosswalks with signing and painting throughout the City on designated school routes identified
in the Safe Routes to School Study.
Connect the Bike Trail to the Bohmann Drive side walk leading to Doudna School.
Create a walking / biking route from the Intersection of U.S. Highway 14/80 South to the Richland
Middle School. This route would consist of a continuation of the sidewalk on the west side of U.S.
Highway 80 South crossing under the bridge to the east side and then south to the middle school. This
would be a trail paralleling the Highway but not connected to it.
At the Middle school the trail would continue on to County Highway OO where it would cross and travel
east down the south side of OO to the Eagle School.
Also at the Middle School there would be a trail that would travel east to Doudna if access could be
acquired from Private property owners. A footbridge would need to be constructed to cross the river.
This trail would be very beneficial for walkers and bikers as well as students traveling between the
schools. There are some educational advantages such as biology classes that could be held along this
As mentioned previously signing, painting and lighting of areas would be part of this process.
Phase 2- Alternative Transportation (Map-21)
This would consist of a 9000’ trail expansion starting at the North Krouskop Park bridge traveling along
the river North under the U.S. Highway 80 bridge along the east side of U.S. Highway 80 north to the
Dike then traveling along the top of the dike with connecting points at the Collins Drive area then North
along the dike to U.S. Highway 80 where it would then parallel the highway connecting the Chellovold
shelter then North to Industrial Drive where it would then parallel Industrial Drive East connecting a
future Dog Park, MPC, the Dance Studio and Hyneks . It would then intersect with AA and return back to
town on the West side of AA past the Fairgrounds creating a nice walking/biking loop.
Beginning at the Intersection of Bohmann Drive and U.S Highway 14 East the Sidewalk would continue
along the East side of the Highway to Peebles Drive (Rockwell/Armory) This would provide a safe
connecting route for those wishing to walk to work or traveling to the Mountain bike/hiking trails that
will be developed in 2016.